What to Do for Heartburn During Pregnancy?
3. Sleep the right way
Most women tend to get heartburn when they are lying down, especially during night. It is important for you to avoid going to bed immediately after eating. During pregnancy, your digestive tract may work slow and so you will need to give at least 3 hours of time after meals for the food to get digested. So, ensure that you go to bed after a few hours of your meals only. Also, keep your head slightly raised up during your sleep time.
4. Keep yourself comfortable
Do not indulge in activities that may make you physically uncomfortable. Bending at your waist, wearing tight clothes and doing vigorous exercises is certainly not advisable. Do not overstress your body, and definitely do not smoke! You must know your body’s limits and act accordingly.
Pregnancy is a challenging period and must be handled with care. Most of all, you need to be happy, energetic and positive during this period because unwanted stress could also cause heartburn during pregnancy.