What Makes Justin Bieber So Special?

Justin Bieber’s rise to stardom: Justin Bieber and RBMG

Raymond Braun Media Group (RGBM) is the work of Scooter Braun and Usher. They have been instrumental in Bieber’s rising popularity. Braun, Usher and many other key players from their team have been shaping Bieber’s look, public image and style. Can you even imagine what it would be like to have such resources and industry insiders at your fingertips? We think it’s phenomenal! RBMG and its key players have played a monumental role in shaping Bieber’s public image and helping him to manage his fame.

Justin Bieber’s rise to stardom: Critics

Bieber’s critics have ripped him apart. Believe us, these are your average critics who’ll put you down for a bad performance. Bieber has been the target of hate mail, death threats and online pranks. His hair, age, looks and singing style – everything has been the target of these bloodhounds. Now the question is – Who wins in the End? Bieber or his critics? It is a question only time will tell. But for now, Justin Bieber’s celebrity status is only being amplified further by the massive critic attack because he is being talked about day in and day out. Sometimes all this sledging works in Bieber’s favor because he gets publicity without paying a penny.

Justin Bieber has definitely pulled the right strings to get him to where he is right now. Why is he a celebrity? We think it is a mix of immense talent and superb marketing. Definitely a celebrity on our cards, and millions of others! Are you a Belieber?

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