6 Ways You can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

4. Use public transport and walk short distances

You may be used to hopping in your car to driving down to the next block to buy groceries or pick up a friend to go out for a coffee. If your vehicle use is frequent, you can be environmentally friendly by cutting down your usage. Use a bicycle or walk if you have to travel short distances and use public transport if you have to travel far. If your city does not have a good public transport system, car pool to work. Also, make it a point to use your car only when there are more passengers to ride with you. Apart from doing good to nature, you will also end up spending less money for gas.

5. Monitor your bathing time

Have you noticed how you can easily spend an hour in the shower as you hum your favorite song, exfoliate and enjoy warm water on your body? Think about how much harm you are causing to nature by taking such long baths. Not only do you waste water but you also waste fuel if you are using hot water to bathe. Ideally, it is commonly said that you should be taking no more than ten minutes to bathe on an average day.

6. Cook larger portions at one go

Cooking larger portions will require lesser energy, fuel, time and money as compared to cooking for each meal time. This will also help you to save energy when you use the dishwasher to wash dishes because you will be using one large dish to store a larger portion rather than using three or four smaller ones.

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