5 Ways to Lose Weight Doing Household Chores
It has been scientifically proven that doing household work indeed helps a person to lose a lot of weight. Activities such as gardening, cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming may seem like basic tasks at first, but when you indulge in them regularly, you will notice that not only do they tire your body, but also help you to shed those extra pounds. Mentioned here are some ways in which you can get the maximum benefit and utility out of doing household chores and lose a lot of weight.
1. Go manual
You have a big pile of dishes to wash? Don’t load them in the dishwasher. Instead, wash them yourself manually. Those extra five minutes it takes to wash those dishes will seem worth it with the calories you burn while standing and washing them. Similarly, try and go manual on tasks such as dusting, cleaning and washing clothes. The more energy you put from your body, the more of your muscles will be used, and consequently, the more weight you will be able to lose.
2. Walk more
Cleaning up the table after dinner? If it has 20 things on it, make 20 trips to the kitchen to keep them back, rather than collecting all of them in one go and making one trip. Yes, it takes just a few minutes extra, but they seem all good and worth it when you include more walking in your routine that way. Also try and take the stairs always instead of the elevator. Don’t keep water by your side while reading or working, and make trips to the fridge each time you feel thirsty. Include as much walking in your daily home chores as you can. Walking is the best way to reduce weight, especially on the lower body.
3. Organize things
If you find the cupboard cluttered, re-organize it. Do it for your wardrobe, your kitchen cabinets, your bookshelves, and just about everything in your house. The more organized you try and become as a person, the more sorted your life will be. And in the process of that organization, you also lose a lot of weight by lifting and re-arranging things from scratch.