4 Ways to Decide If You are Friends or Lovers

3. Take stock of your feelings

Do you feel the same, or do you start looking at your friend in a different way? If you are feeling the same, it is both good and bad. It is good as it means, something like this was bound to happen, it is bad as it means you do not really see him as your lover and maybe you never will. You will always be comfortable and happy, but never experience the rush of love.

4. Sit and talk about it

You both need to sit and talk about it. It is really important that you both have a conversation about it and open yourselves up. It is important that you both feel the same way about each other. If he chooses to be your lover and you still want to be friends, it is going to throw up some very uncomfortable moments between the two of you.

Think, make up your mind and take it slow. Sometimes having a friend forever is way better than having him as a lover and the relationship not working out. With friends come minimal expectations, commitment and possessiveness. When you become lovers, you will have to deal with all these and much more.

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