6 Ways To Become A Better Reader

4. Refer To A Dictionary

People often lose their interest in reading because they complain about not understanding few words or phrases. Well, use a dictionary! The first few times are going to be difficult when you have to constantly refer to the dictionary, but once you know the meanings of a lot of words, then that improves your reading experience for further books where the same words might be used.

5. Identify Patterns and Styles

Each writer or author has different patterns and styles of writing. When you read something, try to consciously understand things, such as whether the writer is using a third-person narrative style or writing it in first-person. Does the author like to begin with the present time and talk of the past as flashbacks later, or does the writer follow a linear storytelling pattern? Try and identify these things, and it will surely improve your storytelling skills as well as your interest level in reading.

6. Write

Reading and writing are like best friends. While what you read and how you read it affects what and how you write, this principle works the other way too. How you read things written by you affects how you read other things too. So writing is a good way to understand emotions and styles of writing, which further helps you to read better, making you understand certain things that weren’t apparent to you before.

The conventional form of reading books is really a lot better as opposed to reading e-books or other abridged forms of literature online. There is a certain charm in creating the imagery in your head, rather than seeing images accompanying the text. In this highly digitized world, it’s time that we realize the wonderful benefits of conventional reading and go back to it in order to improve our reading skills, as well as to give us reading pleasure in its truest form.

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