50 Ways to be Happy This Christmas
21. Go and play in the snow
It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can always play in the snow.
22. Make snowmen
Relive your childhood by making snowmen of different sizes.
23. Be kind
Say nice things to people and be generous with them.
24. Make a choice to stay happy
And stay by that choice.
25. Eat well
Eating gives you joy like no other indulgence.
26. Stop arguing for a day
And let that be on Christmas day.
27. Give to charity
It could be money, your time or even your old clothes.
28. Read your old love letters if you can find the time
It will sure keep you in high spirits.
29. Challenge yourself
It could difficult like talking to a difficult parent or trying a new career path.
30. Make a handmade gift
A job well done is sure to make you happy.