Top 5 Bad Habits Of Celebrities

4. Coffee

If we calculate the total amount of celebrity coffee consumption, we may find a real big figure. Why so much coffee, you may wonder, right? This is to only show you how hard they are working in life. Their coffee supply has to be constant and uninterrupted and the hot favorite is the low fat black coffee that is high on caffeine. However, there are some celebrities who love to be realistic and cream it up occasionally. Thus, number 4 on our list is something as mundane as coffee.

5. Smoking

The last and the final on our list of 5 celebrity habits is smoking. Some do it openly and some do it behind closed doors, the point is that smoking is rampant in the celebrity community. Almost everyone does it and to some, it has become a status symbol. This is copied by many A-listers and wannabes and ultimately their fans. It is one of the reasons why smoking has become so increasingly common among the youth the world over.

Celebrities are normal people just like you but with lives hugely different from the ones that we lead. However, a popular movie had an even more popular dialog, “With great power comes great responsibility” and so is the case with them. With millions looking up to them, they have a role to play.

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