Top 10 Benefits of Married Life

6. You live longer

It is proven by medical research that the longevity of life for married people is greater than that of single people. And if you look at it closely, it’s obviously true, because one’s mental health and physical health, both get better with marriage. That is bound to affect your overall wellness, thereby giving you a longer life.

7. The bliss of kids

Marriage, as an institution brings a lot of relationships with it, one of which is that of kids. And raising kids becomes much easier when you have the support of your partner for the same. It’s not just monetarily easy, because there are two sources of incomes coming in for the wellness of your kids; but it’s also managerially easy, because the responsibility gets shared between two people.

8. A healthy sex life

With marriage, you get one sex partner for life. That way, your urge for pleasure can be satisfied anytime you want. Moreover, there is reduced risk of STDs because you are bound to, and loyal to only one partner. Being single can be a mess when it comes to sexual life, because you end up having sexual encounters with too many people.

9. Less dependence on substances

There have been studies, which have proven that married people are less dependent on substances, such as alcohol, drugs or cigarettes. If you look at it closely, you get to know that when married people are happy, they hardly face depression, because of which the need for dependency on substances hardly arises. As a result, they end up being healthier and happier. In fact, there have been so many cases where smokers have quit smoking because their spouses don’t like their habits, and the only reason why they have been able to do so is because of the mental peace they get post their marriage.

10. An overall happy life

With a happy state of mind, a companion for life and reduced financial stress, a person is bound to concentrate more on work and be more efficient. There is a common belief that when a person is mentally happy, things around him/her automatically start falling in place. This holds quite true in the case of marriage. When a married person is happy with the way his/her personal life is going, everything else seems to be going good, ranging from health to work to finances, etc.

So all those who were wondering all this while what good exactly marriage brings to people, these are some of the answers. Think over it, and look around to see happy, healthy, married people. You’ll automatically know how important this step is in one’s life.

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