To What Extent One Should Allow Money to Guide One’s Life?
If we think, people respect us only when we have money, then the role of other more important things such as personality and relationships that are the real drivers to earn respect take a back seat in our minds. Money manages to loom larger than life. In the process, we lose sight of the finer things in life.
The importance of money is only as much as we give it. If money is construed as a means of exchange, it stays that way. If we want it to engulf our lives and routine, it will continue to and before we realize, we begin to dance to its tunes. Securing the future is one thing and how much to do so is another. If our entire life is devoted to making of money in right (or dubious) ways, then our lives are wasted in more ways than one.
However simple a realization this may be, it is often difficult to get into the process and get out of the perennial money minting mode. Therefore, the question asked in the beginning of the article evokes different responses from different people. Money is no evil. However, it is important to learn the balance and develop the right attitude towards it in your life.