Tips To Keep Your Cards Safe While Shopping Online
Online shopping is surely fun, but you also need to be careful of the theft and fraud. If you use a credit card for online shopping, then chances are your card can be misused. Here are some ways to keep your cards safe while shopping online.
1. Use a complete PC protection
It is important to install a good antivirus along with complete PC protection. This should include anti malware and spyware feature. You could well install a complete anti malware software. The idea is to protect your card from the theft attack if you are making online purchases. The software is great at detecting threats related to cards if any. Stay up to date with all the updates and your PC security settings as well.
2. Use a credit card
Do you know that credit cards are much safer as compared to debit cards for online purchases? The reason is simple. Credit cards have a said limit which can’t be exceeded beyond a sum. But, if your debit card is misused, you would eventually lose all your balance. You don’t want that to happen, right? So, do use credit card for all your online purchases.
3. Use a safe connection
It is advisable to make your online purchases using safe and encrypted connection. Always check for http:// before making a purchase from that particular online shopping site. Also, don’t give your credit card information and pin number through email for any online purchase. That may be a fraud and your card might be misused.
4. Ask for a virtual number for purchase
Are you aware of a virtual credit card number? This is a special number that you can request from your credit card company. Just ask them the number for your one time online shopping. The card number cannot be reused, so this is like the safest way to shop online. Only some credit card companies provide with this number, so you need to check.