6 Tips for Dating a Shy Guy

4. Interpret his body language

Shy guys do a lot of talking through their bodily actions and movements. Learn to interpret them and respond accordingly. For example, if you notice that you date is acting jittery and nervous, you can interpret that he wants to tell you something but is hesitating to do so. Take this as a cue and initiate a conversation to make him feel comfortable.

5. Don’t fling your date outside his comfort zone

If your date does not like hanging out at clubs and gyrating to loud music, avoid going to clubs for a night out. If he does not like cuddling up on the beach with you, then avoid doing the same. Meet your date at a place which has an atmosphere where he feels comfortable. If the environment is not congenial and if it is outside your date’s comfort zone, he will start getting anxious.

6. Hang out with his friends more

If you hang out with your date’s likeminded friends who are also introverts like him, it will make him feel relaxed and at ease. He will start letting his guard down and this may help him to feel at home with you. By hanging out with his friends, you will make him feel that you like the company of other shy and introverted people like him.

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TAGS: body language, comfort zone, conversation, More