13 Things You can Do When You have Nothing to Do

8. Browse the internet

The internet seems to make sure that we never sit “absolutely free.” You will find yourself searching for random things on the internet when you have nothing to do.

9. Read a book

Unless you are a voracious reader, you will only sit with a book when you have nothing else to do.

10. Play with your hair

This is more true for women than men. Many women tend to simply play with their hair, deal with split-ends, try weird hairstyles, just because there is absolutely nothing else to do.

11. Hum a tune

You will not even realize when you started singing your favorite song or started humming a tune that you had heard some days back.

12. Play with the pet

When you are absolutely free at home, your pet often has to bear the brunt. You will cuddle the pet, play with him, or just run your fingers though his fur, for no reason whatsoever.

13. Spend time in front of the mirror

When you are totally free, you might find yourself standing in front of the mirror for no reason at all. You may try different facial expressions or different postures, just to pass time.

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