8 Things to Teach Your Child Before Preschool

5. Teach organization

Start with basic organization skills; teach your child the importance of organizing. Like, tell your child to pick up all the toys lying on the floor. Tell your child to remove his clothes and put it in the laundry bag. Teach your child good washing habits. Like, washing hands before having food, small skills can help to nurture your child in the best possible way.

6. Teach some good habits

Basic habits such as ‘sorry’ or ‘thank you’ are also some essentials to learn. Teach your child the meaning of the words ‘sorry’ or ‘thank you’. Tell your child that it is important to use these words in situations. Also teach your child the importance of greeting someone.

7. Importance of sharing

Before preschool, your child must learn the importance of sharing. Teach your child to share things with other friends as well. If your child does not learn sharing, then chances are he/she would get jealous or stubborn in school. You certainly don’t want that to happen, right? So, it is must to make your child understand the importance of sharing and caring.

8. Teach some reading skills

Your child is too small to read, but at least your child can read picture books. Before he/she enters preschool, make him/her read as many picture books as you can. This would help to develop a good concentration level.

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