7 Tested Ways to Improve Your Children’s School Performance

5. Say yes and no

As a parent it may be tough to know when to give in to a child’s temptation and when not to. Some parents commit the mistake of giving into every whim and fancy of a child and some others are naysayers. Both extremes are harmful to a child’s development. When it comes to school performance, make sure you set the right expectations with your child even if it means cutting down on some luxuries.

6. Reward and punish

A child should be made to understand what is acceptable and what isn’t. When your children comes home with good grades, treat them to something they adore and want. And during times your child hasn’t gone well at school, some kind of punishment should be around the corner. Else a child will never understand the significance of doing well at school.

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7. Make sure they eat well

Make sure your children eat nutritious, fresh and healthy food. Give them foods that can keep them alert, active and healthy, as against junk food that can cause nothing but obesity. While occasional indulgence may not hurt, constant binging or making a habit out of junk food can be bad for your child’s body and mind.

It’s important to follow simple and friendly techniques to improve your children’s school performance. Getting too harsh or way too mellow may not fetch you results.

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