Tagged: workout


5 Benefits of Kickboxing

Kickboxing is a great form of workout as it involves complete body workout. It is a combination of hardcore cardio workout along with martial arts and...


5 Indoor Workout Ideas

To stay fit and healthy, it is not necessary to join gyms and use high end equipment. It is important to follow a regular workout regime....

Photo Courtesy: citalliance  ©crestock.com

5 Ways to Love Your Body

To have a healthy body, in a good working condition is a privilege. People are born with disabilities or become physically challenged and still take great...

Photo Courtesy: 		
get4net  ©crestock.com

6 Benefits of a Cardio Workout

Cardio workouts include a variety of indoor and outdoor exercises including jogging on the treadmill, cycling, running or using the elliptical training machine. These low impact...