Tagged: health tips


8 Health Benefits of Oregano

Oregano is an aromatic herb which is known for its culinary properties. Oregano is widely used in the Italian cuisine. Besides this, oregano also has many...


7 Health Benefits of Jalapenos

Jalapenos are known for their distinctive taste. Originally cultivated in Mexico, they have a host of medicinal and health benefits. Do include it in your diet...


6 Health Benefits of Barley

In today’s fast and hectic life, it becomes very difficult to take care of our health and fitness. In such a scenario, an oft-forgotten whole grain...

Photo Courtesy: 
4774344sean ©crestock.com

6 Signs You are a Hypochondriac

Hypochondria is a debilitating psychological disorder that can affect an individual’s routine and relationships. Hypochondriacs tend to consider a minor illness as a major disease or...

Photo Courtesy: 
Yuri_Arcurs  ©crestock.com

6 Reasons to Cut the Carbs

Every nutrient performs an essential body function. Carbohydrates are also one of the essential nutrients which aim to generate energy, fuel the central nervous system and...