Seven Tips To Lie Without Getting Caught

5. Relax

Don’t panic. Panicking is the first sign of a liar. So just relax. Breath in and out. Drink some water if necessary. Tell yourself, that it is a no big deal and it is in no way that you’re going to get caught.

6. Maintain eye contact

If you don’t maintain proper eye contact, the opposite person will obviously smell something fishy. Maintaining eye contact shows off confidence, while doing the opposites denotes nervousness.

7. Remember your lies

Lastly don’t you ever forget what you have lied about and to whom. If the same person comes to you and interrogates you even after a couple of months or years, see that you are able to stick to the same story.

Follow the above tips and you just can’t go wrong.

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TAGS: believe, convincing story, eye contact, More