8 Secrets Your Bank Teller Wont Tell You
5. When in doubt ask
Don’t expect the teller to solve your problems because you have that look on your face. Also when you have problems or any doubts, it is always best to go in person. Online forms and applications only do little and take time to solve problems.
6. Banks can take money from your account
If you have not been keeping the requisite balance or have an overdraft, banks can take the money owed to them from your next deposit and they do not have to inform you personally each time. It is perfectly legal to do this.
7. There are a lot of benefits for long time customers
Some processing fee can be and will be waived off if you are a long time customer. You just need to ask the bank for this. Not many people in the bank would be forthcoming with this information.
8. Loans are hard to get
In spite of all the advertising and the too friendly smiles up front, the truth is that loans for small businesses and houses of worship can be pretty difficult to get. There are a lot of forms to be filled up and banks generally make a big nuisance of lending money when they are not sure about the returns.