4 Reasons for Frequent Urination in Women

3. Drinking lots of water

Sometimes there can be just a simple explanation like drinking lots of water. When the weather is extremely hot, you may want to drink lots of liquid to keep yourself hydrated and this might cause you to urinate more often. You do not have to worry in such cases, but if you are worried, you should always visit a physician.

4. Other causes for frequent urination in women include…

Anxiety, Medication, for example diuretics, Stroke, or other brain or nervous system condition,
Infection of the prostate gland (prostatitis), Enlarged prostate, Kidney infection, Tumor or mass in the pelvic area, Interstitial cystitis (inflammation of the bladder wall), Overactive bladder syndrome (unexplained, uncontrolled bladder contractions), Cancer of the bladder, Dysfunction of the bladder, Bladder stones, Urinary incontinence, Abnormal opening (fistula) in the urinary tract, Radiation of the pelvis, eg to treat cancer, and Diverticulitis (inflammation of diverticulosis, small, bulging sacs or pouches that can develop on the inner lining of the large intestine).

Sometimes frequent urination can also happen when it becomes a habit or it is more psychological than physiological need. Whatever the reason you always need to visit a physician and do not always rely on home remedies as some causes can turn out to be pretty serious and deadly. You can also prevent urinary tract infections by following hygienic methods and also wash after you use the loo. Also be careful about using public restrooms as you can get infections from there too. Avoid drinking too much before bedtime for it can give you a restless night.

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