5 Reasons Crying is Good for Health

4. Crying brings down the level of manganese

A good cry also brings down the mineral manganese in your body. Manganese is responsible for your moods and bringing it down will also keep your mood swings in check. Have a good cry and make your mood better.

5. Crying also lowers blood pressure

When you cry, you are relieving your body of a lot of stress and also salts. Both stress and salt can make your blood pressure shoot up. So instead of letting anger take over your and make your blood pressure levels go high, shed a few tears.

Crying is nothing to be embarrassed about. You need to cry to come across as a human and also to let people know about your real emotions. It is no use trying to look strong and being named as a cold person. Crying also leads to stronger bonds between you and other people. You never know but you can make good friends and even find a life partner when you are out there bawling your eyes out.

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