6 Most Interesting Facts About Google

4. Google is dog friendly

Google is a very dog friendly company. It has company dogs which accompany senior officials. Even lower level employees and officials are allowed to bring their dogs to work. The only rule is that the dogs should not soil the office carpets for more than what is acceptable and should not exhibit aggressive behavior. Dogs which are polite, toilet trained and friendly are more than welcome. Google’s Code of Conduct states that though it loves cats as well, they are not allowed in the office as Google is essentially a dog company!

5. ‘Google’ entered the dictionary in 2006

The word ‘Google’ has already entered our vocabulary, much to the chagrin of the Google people! In 2006, Google was not very pleased to learn that the Merriam-Webster and Oxford English Dictionary had decided to include “Google” as a verb to their lexicons. They wanted the word to be used only in reference to their company and the search engine and not otherwise. Nevertheless, the word “Google” entered the dictionary and its inflected forms like ‘googled’ and ‘googling’ also came into being.

6. The Google logo was centre aligned in 2001

Up until 2001, the Google logo on its home page was slightly left aligned. The classic home page had the logo centered on March 31, 2001. Back in 1998, the logo also had an exclamation mark.

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