Make Your Kids Learn New Things With New Year Resolutions

Resolution #4: I will read for an hour everyday

Incentive: New soccer ball (boys) / New dress (girls)

This is one New Year resolution that your child is not going to like too much, whether he/she’s a toddler, school goer or a preteen. But it is very important, we say. David, 34, a father of a kindergarten going daughter quips, ‘I wanted my child to get into a habit of reading stuff beyond school books. And I thought it would be best to do it with a New Year resolution’. Why don’t you try out the same?

Resolution #5: I’ll get good grades

Incentive: A new gizmo

Now this New Year resolution surely deserves a good incentive. You can set the cut off limit in terms of grades with your child. ‘I knew my child is much better at sport than at academics. But he was compromising on his grades completely. And I wanted to stop that’, confesses Martha, 29, mom of a soccer loving son. Use the New Year time to get this done.

See how you can use New Year’s time to your maximum advantage? With a few basic incentives that you can tailor according to your kid’s liking, you can get your kid to learn new things that he/she never would. We wish we knew this earlier!

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