How To Understand Men? Uncover The Top Secrets

Uncover The Top Secrets To Understanding Men

What price would you be ready to pay to be able to understand men? A lot? We are not surprised because understanding men can be the most daunting task for us. That’s what we were talking about until we bumped into our stylists Mark and Jacob who promised us that they would unlock the secrets to understanding men over a few cups of coffee. “That’s impossible”, we said. “We will pay for your coffees if you give us the secret to understanding men!”

“Okay, the first thing that you girls need to know is that men are kind of prehistoric when it comes to emotions and feelings”, said Mark. “But that does not mean that they are emotionless or cold hearted. Understanding men and their emotions is as easy as learning how to spell. Our emotional quotient is like a one way street, unlike yours which can be an 8 lane freeway!”, he added, laughing. So there. We take our first tip in understanding men: Men don’t like to mix emotions. It’s either this, or that.

“Another great advice that we can give you on understanding men is to know that men are the kind of species who will live in the present”, said Jacob. “He’s right”, agreed Mark, who also was of the strong opinion that men like to function in the present, rather than think about the past or the future. There we’ve picked up another great tip in understanding men: Men will look at an issue for what it is now. Not what it was, and not what it can be.

“In your journey of understanding men, you will need to have great conversation with your man in order to understand him properly, don’t you think?”, asked Jacob. We nodded in agreement. “Understanding men becomes much easier when you are armed with skills that enhance your conversational abilities with them. A super easy way to do that is to be up to date on baseball, basketball or football scores”, he added. Again, Jacob drove home a point in which we took our 3rd tip in understanding men: Understanding men starts by having great conversations with them. We must arm ourselves with some topics men would like to talk about like sports, tools, women and much more.

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Photo Courtesy : mikebaird
TAGS: cars, dating advice, dating tips, More