How To Stop Biting Nails?

How To Stop Biting Nails

Biting nails is one of the most annoying yet common habits that many have. It is a habit that starts from childhood, and sometimes, stays with them even as they grow older. The sad part is that the frequent biting of nails not only gives nails a bad shape, but can also cause harm to them. No matter how many times people try, they find it hard to let go of this habit. Are you one of those who have this awful habit? Do you want to get rid of it. Follow these simple ways to stop biting nails.

1.Color them

Instead of leaving your nails plain, use different nail paints to color them. As a result, the next time you put your nails in your mouth, you will find yourself getting a taste of some nail paint.

2. Use distasteful paints

Sometimes it happens that over a period of time you get used to the paint on your nails, and then you don’t mind biting them even when your nails are painted. Here’s where distasteful paints come to the rescue. Use such paints to color your nails that taste really awful. This will surely do the trick.

3. Use artificial nails

If in spite of all of this, it seems impossible to let go off nail biting, you can try out artificial nails. Artificial nails are not easy to chew, hence they may help you to get out off this nail-biting obsession.

4. Choose other options

Chewing-gums, chocolates or candy bars; there are so many things that you can chew instead of your nails. So next time when the temptation pops in, simply slip some candy or a chewing-gum into your mouth. You may also use a good anti-nail biting cream to get rid of this habit.

5. Engage yourself in other activities

Keep yourself occupied in activities. Be it sports, dancing, knitting, drawing or writing; engage yourself in activities so that your mind is kept busy and so are your hands!

If you want strong, healthy and beautiful nails, you can’t keep bitingthem all day long. With some amount of determination, you can surely get rid of this habit. All the best!

Photo Courtesy : © Diego Vito Cervo |
TAGS: artificial nails, biting nails, Distasteful paints, More