How to Start a Presentation? 6 Tips to Help You

How to Start a Presentation? 6 Tips to Help You

Whether in front of your school mates, or at a board meeting, at some point of time, everyone needs to deliver a presentation. Standing up on that dais, with memorized notes in hand, and all eyes on you is a difficult situation to handle. There are many people who don’t find a presentation nerve wracking but according to them, the scariest part of the presentation is the beginning. Their only worry is, how to start a presentation. Here are some tips to help you.

1. Come straight to the point

This way of starting your presentation can never go wrong. Open with the topic you are supposed to present, and go with the pre-decided flow of thoughts. You will always have a successful presentation, especially if you would make it look spontaneous.

2. Put forth a shocking statistic

Nothing grabs attention as much as a mind boggling fact. Start with a weird and shocking truth related to your presentation, and see how everyone becomes more attentive. Once your audience is interested, you will naturally deliver a good presentation.

3. Question

Open with a question. An obvious one. Hopefully, at least one will answer. Think on your feet and twist the answer to your benefit. The listeners will be impressed, you will gain confidence, and your presentation will sail smoothly.

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Photo Courtesy : o5com
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