How Do You Know When Your Marriage Is Over?

How Do You Know When Your Marriage Is Over?

Nothing is permanent. It may apply to everything under the sun but when the thing at stake is your marriage, you would kill to prove the saying untrue. Almost everyone dreams of being married for life to their soul mate but sometimes you just need to let go. So how can you exactly decide that the time has come to move on? Just look for the following indications and you will know for sure that your marriage is over.

1. Unnecessary fights

If you have started to fight over trifles and for no apparent reason whatsoever, it may be the first indication that the end to your married life is near. Arguments happen often and compromise seems to be dead.

2. Reminisce about the past

When you keep recollecting the good old days and it seems that those moments are forever lost, it may be time to do a reality check on your marriage. There should not be stuff that you think you can no longer relive with your partner. While a little nostalgia is normal, too much of it may be a warning sign.

3. Loss of respect for each other

If you no longer respect your spouse or in fact loathe his very being, it is better to stop living with him. There cannot be a marriage without mutual love and respect.

4. Changed priorities

If your individual goals have changed and marriage is not on the top of your priority list, then it is a vital sign that the end is near. Sit together and sort out your differences as otherwise very soon, you will be signing your divorce papers.

5. Lack of support

If your spouse doesn’t support your endeavors and on the contrary criticizes you, it is better to separate from such a person. If he cannot uphold his wedding vows of being there in sickness or in health, there is no point in staying married.

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Photo Courtesy : Daquella manera
TAGS: abusive behavior, arguments, chemistry, More