6 Homemade Facial Masks for Acne Prone Skin

4. Aspirin mask

Crush two aspirin tablets, add two tablespoon of Greek yogurt and quarter teaspoon of lemon juice to form a paste. Apply, wait and rinse. Blemishes will quickly come down with periodic usage.

5. Pumpkin mask

Pumpkins are not just great as a dish but also fight oil and bacteria that cause blemishes on skin. Without manual scrubbing, pumpkins can exfoliate skin gently. Blend together two tablespoons of finely grated raw pumpkin with one egg white, one teaspoon lemon juice and two teaspoons of tomato juice. Apply the mask on your face and neck areas. Let it dry for 15 minutes and rinse off. This homemade face mask is easy, effective and inexpensive.

6. Oatmeal and onion mask

Onions have anti-inflammatory properties. Oatmeal deep cleanses the pores to eliminate pimples and acne scars. Add quarter cup boiling water to one third cup of oatmeal and let it sit for five minutes. Take one large white onion and blend into a smooth paste. Bring all the ingredients together with half teaspoon honey. Apply mask on face and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse off. This mask can be made and refrigerated for up to a week’s time.

When you make use of homemade ingredients, you can be sure your skin is not exposed to harsh chemicals. This way you can cut down potential risks, save some bucks and also nourish your skin with the goodness of nature.

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