5 Home Remedies for Dry Cough

4. Gargle with salt water for throat irritation

Mix some salt in hot water and gargle using the solution. This is very effective for treating dry cough. A saline solution helps to suck excess fluid from the inflamed tissue, thereby healing it. You can also add some crushed holy basil leaves to the saline solution, filter it and use it for gargling.

5. Lemon to cure dry cough

The anti-inflammatory lemon has great medicinal value. Loaded with vitamin C, lemon fights inflammation and helps in curing dry cough. Add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey and heat this solution. This is a potent syrup that helps in curing dry cough.

Try these safe home remedies and you can feel good relief from dry cough and inflamed throat.

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