Hobbies For Those Who Love Painting

6. Face painting

Photo Courtesy: L2F1

Face painting has become so popular that today we have festivals where people paint their faces in different ways. However, painting on a person’s face ain’t that easy. It is an art which requires practice. It is a wonderful hobby to take up. Many people also see it as a job when they come close to perfection in this hobby. And guess what, it pays well!

7. Finger painting

Photo Courtesy: oddharmonic

Just like the title suggests, finger painting means painting using your fingers. Unexpectedly, many beautiful creations come out of finger painting if you’re good. It is a very therapeutic and relaxing hobby to practice everyday. You can gather all your painter friends, children and other family members to join you in the art. All you will require is everyone to paste their finger imprints together, dipped in different colors to create art.

8. Charcoal Painting

Charcoal Painting

Photo Courtesy: philip.bitnar

Charcoal is one of the oldest drawing and painting tools. In times where brushes and paints were not invented, painters would use charcoals to paint. It is time to relive those days. No doubt a number of painting equipments have come in trend these days, yet no one can beat the effect that charcoal paintings have. Charcoal painting is honestly a hobby that any painter would love.

9. Glass Painting

Photo Courtesy: geopungo

Glass painting is a beautiful way to add color to a bland and transparent glass. You can paint the glass-made crockery in your kitchen, window panes and other glassware around your house. If you have not specialized in this hobby as yet, well you’re lagging behind. Take up this hobby today!

10. Spaghetti Painting

If you are looking for something challenging, this one’s for you. You may think spaghetti is only meant to toss into some oil and serve for dinner, but guess what you can also substitute it for your painting brush. The effort involved in creating Spaghetti paintings is inexplicably astounding. It requires lots and lots of patience. The creations coming out of these efforts are truly masterpieces.

These are some of the best hobbies that any painter would love. Give them a try, they are definitely worth your time and effort. All the best!

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TAGS: activities, artistic, charcoal, More