8 Health Benefits of Ginger
Ginger can also be called as the ‘super food’. Ginger has so many health benefits, that it helps to keep your body active and fit. Ginger helps to improve the immunity and digestion of the body. Read on to know about some more health benefits.
1. It helps to reduce menstrual pain
Ginger has anti inflammatory properties, which helps to reduce menstrual pain. Ginger is also known as the natural pain reliever. It provides instant respite from menstrual cramps and stomach pain. Have ginger juice with honey to reduce the pain instantly.
2. It helps to reduce the cold condition
Ginger pod is magical for cold relief. Ginger has anti fungal and anti bacterial properties; it provides instant relief from cold. Boil some ginger pod in water along with basil. Have this concoction thrice a day; this will help to reduce cold and cough.
3. It keeps the heart healthy
As ginger is rich in potassium and manganese, it helps to lower the bad cholesterol level in the body. Ginger juice prevents formation of blood clots in the body. This helps to reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack by up to twenty percent.
4. It is good for digestion
As ginger has carminative properties, it helps to reduce stomach pains caused by indigestion. Ginger juice is effective in treating gastro and acid reflux diseases. It also helps to prevent the problem of heartburn. Do have a piece of ginger after your meal; this will help to increase your digestion power to a good extent.