5 Health Benefits of Beer

5 Health Benefits of Beer

Frank Zappa, an American musician, rightly stated that “You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.” It’s no wonder then that some of earliest writings known to humans denote the production and distribution of beer. Beer makes people jolly, happy and gives a kick that helps temporarily forget their problems and worries. But beer can also help health wise. Listed below are 5 interesting health benefits of drinking beer.

1. Fights heart attacks

Heart attack is one of the leading causes of death for men and women globally. Heart attacks are majorly caused by build up of plaque in the arteries leading to blockage and blood clotting. So how can one fight against this deadly disease? The foliate present in beer helps to fight blood clotting, which in turn prevents heart attacks.

2. Keeps brain fit

The central command center of a human body is the brain. Brain hemorrhage occurs when blood clots in the brain, leading to disruption of the nervous system. Scientists at Boston University have demonstrated that moderate consumption of beer helps thin the blood, thereby avoiding blood clots.

3. Fights osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is nothing but internal weakening of bones. It usually occurs in old age, but is known to strike young people. Drinking moderate amounts of beer helps to strengthen bones. Beer especially pale ale contains copious amounts of silicon in the soluble form of orthosilicic acid (OSA). Based on these findings by leading studies all over the globe, moderate beer consumption can help prevent osteoporosis.

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Photo Courtesy : ndrey_kuzmin ©crestock.com
TAGS: drinking beer, fights osteoporosis, healthier kidneys, More