4 Great Health Benefits of Going Barefoot

3. It improves the surface charge of the red blood cells in our body
Earthing increases the surface charge of red blood cells as a result of which the cells avoid clumping, which decreases blood viscosity. High viscosity is what causes heart troubles and earthing just cuts back on the blood thinners that heart patients have to take to keep their blood flow good.

4. It also helps both the endocrine and the nervous system
Walking barefoot on the ground helps relax your body and your mind and this is why this practice is highly beneficial to your endocrine and nervous system. Walking regularly also helps prevent diabetes, help improve the heart functions, help lose weight and generally make you feel better.

Taking your shoes off to walk just multiplies the already beneficial effects of walking. Just make sure you clean your feet before you enter your house as healthy it is, it is definitely not hygienic to bring back all the dirt inside. Also do not do this if you have any open wounds or cuts in your feet. That may just prove to be dangerous.

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