Games To Play For A Family Picnic
4. Tug of War

Photo Courtesy: joshwept
Put your strength to the test with a game of tug of war. You can divide family members equally into two groups. Keep both the groups balanced by fairly dividing the kids and adults in each groups. Each team will be made to hold one end of a strong rope. The center of the rope should be marked with a cloth tied in the center. Also a line should be drawn on either side of the ground to mark the point which should not be crossed.
5. Sack Race

Photo Courtesy: tiswango
The rules of a sack race are almost similar to any other kind of race. The difference here is, you will have to reach the finishing point with the lower half of your body inside a sack! This game gets really hilarious as you see your family members jumping desperately in order to reach the finishing point before the others.
Don’t be afraid to experiment and try out the silliest of games at your family picnic. After all, they are your own family members. With who else will you be able to act your crazy self?