8 Foods to Avoid Eating During Pregnancy

8 Foods to Avoid Eating During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a magical period for many women. You are pampered, taken care of and always made to feel special. Besides the hormones or morning sickness, monitoring your diet is very important. There are certain foods that you just can’t consume as it may affect both the mother and child. Here are 8 foods that you must strictly avoid eating during pregnancy.

1. Raw meat

Uncooked seafood, beef or poultry should be strictly avoided during pregnancy. It may be contaminated with coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis and salmonella.

2. Smoked seafood

Smoked and refrigerator stored sea food contains Listeria. It can only be eaten if it’s cooked well in a casserole dish.

3. Imported soft cheese

Hard cheese like Swiss cheese is made with pasteurized milk which is the only option you must consider during pregnancy. Soft cheese is however made of unpasteurized milk which may contain E coli and Listeria which may cause miscarriage.

4. Unpasteurized milk

Unpasteurized milk contains the bacteria named Listeria. This bacterium can enter the placenta and cause infection in the blood, poisoning and eventually lead to miscarriage.

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Photo Courtesy : Hans
TAGS: avoid eating, coffee, coliform bacteria, More