10 Famous Dogs in History

6. Checkers

This black and white Cocker Spaniel could be held responsible for making or possibly marring Nixon’s political career. In 1952, while running for Vice President, Nixon was surrounded with a controversy that suggested that he had accepted private donations; including Checkers. During an emotional address to about 60 million people on TV, Nixon spoke about the pooch for about 1-minute. The speech apparently struck a chord somewhere and he was kept on the VP ticket. Theories also suggest that the speech could be held responsible for his loss in 1960.

7. Bobbie

This is about the Wonderdog who traveled thousands of miles home. During a road trip, Bobbie was separated from his family in Indiana. They searched for him for hours but with no positive results. Much to their surprise and amazement, Bobbie showed up after six months, having traveled 2,800 miles from Indiana to reach Silverton, Oregon! This made Bobbie a celebrity, playing himself in a silent film!

8. King Charles Spaniels

This breed is definitely a royal one! During Tudor times, the ladies of the royal court adored these lovely and amiable pooches. King Charles II loved them and had a big collection of toy spaniels. So great was his love for them that he wrote a royal decree that ensured that they were not denied entrance in any public place in England, including the House of Parliament. The decree still stands.

9. Pompey

This pug saved the main leader of the Dutch Revolt, William the Silent. Once when the Prince of Orange was fast asleep in his tent, Pompey, his loyal companion heard assassins coming towards them. He alerted the Prince by barking and scratching, and saved him from death.

10. Smoky

This mere four-pound Yorkshire terrier was the WWII mascot. An American soldier found Smoky in a foxhole and sold him to Corporal Bill Wynn. For the next 2 years, Wynn kept the dog on the battlefield and in the fighter planes. He even trained the terrier to soothe wounded soldiers. This made Smoky one of the first therapy dogs. Wynn and Smoky’s relationship did not end there and for over 10 years, they performed onstage at hospitals and military functions.

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