6 Facts to Know About Glaucoma

4. There may be no symptoms to warn you

The worst thing about Glaucoma, especially open-angle glaucoma is that you virtually have no symptoms. You will experience no pain caused by the pressure in your eye. You will be losing your side view or peripheral vision and that too will be rectified by your shifting of your head, thereby making the diagnosis late. The best way to find out is to get tested. Since treatment should be done as early as possible, it is better to check your eyes regularly.

5. It is hereditary

Glaucoma is hereditary and is passed from the parents to their kids. If your parents have Glaucoma, then consider yourself to be someone at high risk and get yourself checked regularly to find out if you have got it.

6. There are two main types of glaucoma-Open-angle glaucoma and Angle-closure Glaucoma

Open-angle or wide-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma. The eye structure looks and remains normal, but there are problems with the fluid flowing through the drain in the eye called the trabecular meshwork. Angle-closure glaucoma which is also called acute or chronic angle-closure or narrow-angle glaucoma is a type of glaucoma that is less common but can cause a sudden build-up of pressure in the eye. Drainage is difficult because the gap between the iris and the cornea is too narrow.

Get yourself tested and start treatment immediately to prevent blindness. Since anyone can get Glaucoma, you cannot afford to be cool about it.

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