6 Different Types of Lovers Who Exist

4. The List Keeper

There are quite a few ladies out there who can be called list keepers. They have a list of qualities stored in their mind that their dream man has to have. In fact, the items of this list are arranged priority-wise and she will only date those men who meet at least the top 3 to 5 criteria. Eventually, she might overlook a couple of items on her list as she would realize that there is no such thing as a perfect man.

5. The Giver

Men desire this kind of a woman but find her very hard to come by. She is the kind of woman who is very giving and forgiving of her man. While she may not be so with other people in her life, she will readily forgive her beau’s mistakes and give a lot more to the relation than her partner. Unfortunately, these are the very women who end up crying a lot as they are always taken for granted by their men.

6. The Obsessive

This is the kind of woman whom men run away from. She is obsessed, attached and way too clingy. She wants to talk to her lover 24/7, and keeps a check on his movements thoroughly. ‘I need space'; this dialogue was in all probability said by a man who has had enough of his obsessive lover’s throttling ways. If you identify yourself with this description, then go easy girl; if he loves you he will stay, and if he doesn’t, he will go away anyhow, so no need to smother him.

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