4 Christmas Fudge Ideas

Mix sugar, cream and some butter in a saucepan and let it melt. Now, add some white Marshmallow cream and melted white chocolate. Make two portions out of this mixture. Put green color in one portion and red in another portion. Beat well and pour the red portion first and let it cool. Complete the process by pouring the green one. Cool and cut it into small squares.

3. Pumpkin fudge

Another good option for your Christmas fudge! You need one cup of almonds and three cups of white sugar. One tea spoon of pumpkin spice along with a cup of butter. One can milk with a can of pumpkin and marshmallow cream. Some vanilla extract for that added taste. Preheat some almonds in the oven. Now, heat sugar, butter, milk, pumpkin and some spice in a saucepan!

Mix it properly for about ten minutes. Remove from the heat and add marshmallow cream, almonds and vanilla extract. Now, pour this in a bowl and let it cool. Once it is cooled, cut it into pieces. Relish it with your kids.

4. Simple cream vanilla fudge

If you want to make fudge in a jiffy, then try the cream vanilla fudge. You need three fourth cups of sugar, six tablespoons of butter and three tablespoons of milk. One tablespoon of vanilla extract along with one pinch of salt! In a saucepan, mix sugar, butter, milk, vanilla and salt. Mix and stir well till the mixture becomes creamy in texture. Put this in a bowl and let it cool for a while. You can also refrigerate the mixture. Now, cut it into square shape and relish the taste with fun.

This Christmas, don’t just stick to the traditional chocolate fudge; try the above fudge recipes as well.

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