9 Beauty Myths that You Can Shrug Off

6. Sunscreen can be avoided during winters

Many women believe that sunscreen is not required when it’s not sunny. This is totally untrue. Even when it isn’t sunny, dangerous sun rays penetrate through clouds and reach the earth. The sun not only tans the skin but also causes premature aging, wrinkles, burns, pigmentation and sometimes even cancer. Better be safe and use sunscreen even on a cloudy day.

7. Oily skin doesn’t require moisturizer

This is one myth that causes harm in the long run, if followed. Do not believe it any cost. The fact is, moisturizing hydrates the skin, no matter what the skin type. It doesn’t just make the skin soft and supple, but also makes it radiant and glowing. If you have oily skin, you must get a good oil free moisturizer and use it regularly.

8. The size of skin pores can be changed to look beautiful

This is just not possible, no matter what you do. But there’s a way out. Though you cannot change the size of pores, you can still keep them clean and unclogged. This will make your face appear radiant.

9. Lip liner makes lips appear bigger

This is also a foolish assumption and the surprise is, many women actually follow it! Have a look at the women walking around and you’ll find at least 3 out of 10 of them wearing a dreadful lip liner and a dark lipstick (that doesn’t suit their complexion) in order to make their lips look big. The fact is when they do this, they end up looking like they’ve recently undergone a surgery for artificial lips. Instead of following this baseless myth, you can use a light color lip stick or lip gloss to make your lips appear fuller. It will surely work wonders.

So, what’s your take now? Are you finding yourself being a moron for following these myths for so many years? Well, you shouldn’t be. It’s just that beauty magazines, articles on makeup and beauty and the media have given you the wrong information and you’ve followed the advice. It isn’t your fault. Of course, if you don’t follow the aforesaid tips, it will surely be your fault, if you appear ordinary in the next party.

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