6 Tips for a Stress-Free Life

6 Tips for a Stress-Free Life

Life would be so much better if we would not stress ourselves so much, if we could stop worrying and trying to change the things that we cannot. Stress literally kills. We hear of people taking their own lives or just collapsing and dying due to sheer stress. Stress causes not only mental trauma, but leads to many physical ailments. All of us crave for a stress-free life and we can start small, by doing a few things every day to relive ourselves of stress and tension.

1. Meditate

A few minutes or an hour every day in the morning just to meditate or sit quietly in a corner and reflect can do wonders. You are calmer and better prepared to face the day.

2. Not everyone is out to get you

The guy who constantly honked and then cut you is not after you specifically. He might have forgotten about you at the next red light. So are all the other people who are mean to you for no reason. It is not worth getting stressed over them.

3. Don’t sweat the small stuff

The bills. A leaky faucet. Lost keys. Mismatched socks. These things need to be sorted out, but take things one at a time. Take a calm approach. Your stress won’t get the plumber on time nor make your socks pair up magically.

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Photo Courtesy : ruigsantos ©crestock.com
TAGS: few weeks, life than a career, meditate, More