Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend? 6 Hints That Give You The Answer
Breaking up is difficult but sometimes it is something that you have to do. Things get difficult or maybe it’s abuse or perhaps you just fall out of love. Either way, there are a few signs that tell you that you should break up now.
1. You’re physically hurt
If you’ve been physically abused, then it is a sure sign that you need to break up. No one has any right on your body, except you yourself. If your partner hits, shoves, kicks you or does something similar, then your first reaction should be to get out! Getting abused physically isn’t acceptable at all.
2. You’re more sad than happy
Love isn’t always a bed of roses yet it also brings you the best joys of life. So, if you’re not exactly experiencing the joy part of it, then you’re not with the right person for sure. If things get too depressing or frustrating, then get out while you still can.
3. You’re doing all the work
If you’re the one planning all the dates, the phone calls, then you’re obviously doing all the work. It’s a sign that your partner wants out. So, get up and take the first step.