9 Ways to Deal With an Introvert Man

6. Confront him directly with your views

Invest some time in telling an introvert man about yourself or your perspectives. Observe his body signs and facial expressions. Do not expect him to take cues from the hints you throw at him.

7. Avoid being pushy

Ask him lots of questions, but not in a pushy manner. Get him to open up. Once an introvert man feels relaxed around you, you will realize that he makes for an interesting company.

8. Don’t act dominating

Respect his need for privacy. Do not be impatient with him or demand instant answers. He needs time to process his thoughts.

9. Try understanding his silence

Learn to enjoy comfortable silence with an introvert. Direct your thoughts inwards and you will be in sync with his world in no time.

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TAGS: act dominating, adapt to his nature, better listeners, More