9 Reasons Why Girls Love Geeks

9 Reasons Why Girls Love Geeks

Don’t you hate that nerdy, bespectacled boy in class who talked very little to you even when you approached him because he was too busy writing on his blog? Or have you spotted that next door guy sitting with his laptop all day long, hardly coming out of his room? These are the geeks of today’s era and mind you girls, they have more potential in them than they portray. Let’s take you on a ride to see why most girls love geeks.

1. They don’t flirt

Geeks are more interested in their laptops, mobiles, tech websites. You get the gist, don’t you? They will never check out or even look at a hot girl even if one walks right past them. They are more likely to know about the latest gadgets in town rather than the hottest girls. So girls you don’t need to worry about geeks having a roving eye, but they’ll surely have one for gadgets!

2. They are lifesavers

Well, literally. Just imagine what if your laptop shuts down automatically on the night of an important presentation at work/college and just doesn’t respond to you. At this hour of the night, there’s no technician you can call. So if you have a geeky boyfriend, he will be the only one to come to your rescue! Ditto with other gadgets or those electronic items you sometimes have a tough day with.

3. They are intelligent

Is that bad? C’mon girls who among you doesn’t have this quality jotted down in your list when you think in terms of a boyfriend? Their intelligence too can save you from difficult situations.

4. They don’t expect much

Geeks have this one quality that you girls should absolutely love. They are very much happy with how their gadgets look rather than telling you for wearing something bad. If you look good and simple, they will appreciate you perhaps. But sometimes you just have a bad hair day and you can’t do anything about it. Don’t worry, geeks will not be irritated about it. They might instead ask about the new cell phone that you just bought. Shortly, geeks don’t mind your dressing sense. But please girls, don’t go over the top or too flashy.

5. There are options

By this we mean that geeks are not those one or two hot dude kinda guys that are left single in the whole school. There are plenty of options available for you to pick from. The main reason being: you girls don’t like geeks, so they are almost always single. Think how that would make them feel, girls!

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Photo Courtesy : araña702
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