9 Health Benefits of Squash

6. It helps you in your fight against premature aging

The presence of important nutrients and antioxidants make it an amazing vegetable that helps you in your fight against aging. Antioxidants protect your body against the damaging effects of harmful free radicals, thereby making you feel younger and healthier.

7. It can help in preventing the development of Type 2 Diabetes

The generous portions of carotene that you get from eating squash helps in preventing the development of Type 2 Diabetes.

8. It contains coumarins which are good for your heart

Coumarins along with other nutrients in the body can have the same effect as that of blood thinning medicines. These anticoagulant properties make squash good for those patients who already suffer from high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

9. It is a good source of Potassium

Potassium is an important mineral which plays a very crucial role in maintaining proper fluid balance in the body. Squash provides a good supply of potassium.

Make squash a part of your meals. Enjoy this delicious vegetable which offers so many amazing benefits to your health.

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TAGS: against harsh summer sun, anticoagulant, boost your immunity, More