8 Tips to Overcome Anxiety Before Delivery

5. Plan your delivery

It helps you immensely to plan your delivery with the help of your doctor. Whether you want a natural birth or epidural, whether you want your husband by your side or some other close member of your family– planning of all such things will help you overcome your anxiety.

6. Join special customized classes for pregnant women

Such classes are very helpful as they teach you how to breathe during delivery and what to expect during that time. It’s like a “simulation training” for the final day. Besides, it helps to prepare your mind for the actual delivery.

7. Join a support group

If you are really nervous, then you can join some support group where women get together and talk about their experiences, fears and expectations. This helps to sympathize and empathize. It also helps you take your mind off your anxiety. It provides you with the support that you’ve been looking for.

8. Talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist

If the anxiety level is too high and nothing seems to help, then take professional medical help. Visit a psychologist/psychiatrist to discuss about your anxiety.

Try to stay happy and relaxed, especially in the final weeks of pregnancy. Avoid stress and anxiety so that you can enjoy bringing your child to this world.

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