8 Things People Hate About The Office Environment

5. Time limits

Offices are often causes of stress, especially among the urban folk. Stress arises mainly because of deadlines and time constraints. People strive to finish more work in lesser time and get hassled. This makes them moody, irritable and fatigued.

6. Negative feedback

Most offices have feedback sessions once a week or bosses keep giving feedback whenever they feel it is necessary to do so. Often, the feedback is negative and demotivating since unfortunately people seem to believe that negative reinforcement works better than positive reinforcement. This gets the morale of people down and they would rather not go through all of this.

7. Tied-up schedule

People who work are not really left with much time to pursue activities of leisure and interest. The more you progress in your work, the more the responsibilities increase and the lesser time you spend not working. Thus people feel dissatisfied and crave for doing other things and relaxing; basically having a life outside of the office.

8. Negative people

Last but certainly not the least is the kind of people who prevail in the office. How much ever different they are and have disagreements, people have to bear each other day in and day out for the sake of work. This gets tough especially for the subordinates and juniors who need to have immense patience to wait for promotions, appraisals and listen to the ranting of their seniors with a remorseful face.

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