8 Myths about Alcohol Busted

8 Myths about Alcohol Busted

In the pursuit of staying sober and still be able to drink to one’s heart’s content, there are many rules which we follow. These so called “rules” have been learnt over the years mainly from hearsay and may or may not have any logical or scientific backing. In order to get through a night of drinking, the only perfect way is probably to just drink less or in moderation and not go overboard laboring under the delusion that following a simple time honored rule will get you through without embarrassment. Most of these “rules” are actually myths and can be easily busted by logic and scientific reasoning. Listed below are 8 myths about alcohol busted:

1. Mixing alcohol with caffeine will keep you sharp

If you think mixing alcohol with caffeine either by mixing diet cola or by sipping coffee will keep you sharp, you are very wrong! The combination of caffeine and alcohol is actually quite dangerous because the caffeine makes you feel more energized and you may end up drinking more than your tolerance threshold.

2. Some people have high tolerance

Nobody has high tolerance. Only some people are able to drink more than others because the alcohol takes more time to show effect in their bodies. So they appear to have high tolerance as their bodies process alcohol differently. This is actually dangerous because they are not aware immediately whether they have had enough alcohol or not and by the time they do, they may have ended up drinking too much.

3. Drinking beer after hard liquor reduces drunkenness

If you have already had hard liquor, drinking beer or any other ‘softer’ drink afterward is not going to reduce your drunkenness in any manner. Whether it is beer or vodka or whiskey, alcohol is alcohol and it is going to do what it is going to do! No matter what you drink, you should be able to tell how much is enough and when you should stop.

4. Older wine is better

The older the wine, the better, tastier and more expensive it is, right? Wrong! Wine too has an expiry date and past that, it deteriorates in quality as well as in its antioxidant content. However, it depends upon the quality of the wine in question actually. Some wines are meant to be consumed within a year of its production while there are others which may be stored in the wine cellar for some years so it reaches its peak quality.

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