8 Bizarre Side Effects of Exercise

5. Cramps

Cramps are frequent occurrences which happen due to crunches and reverse crunches that tone the abs area. To reduce this feeling, it’s good to have bananas since they contain a lot of Vitamin K and also loads of water. Also, see to it that you are wearing proper fitting shoes and inners.

6. Heartburn

It happens many a time, especially in the midst of cardio exercises such as sit-ups, running and jogging, that a burning sensation is felt in the chest area. This happens because sometimes the food in the stomach is pushed upward into the esophagus which leads to acid reflux and heartburn.

7. Body imbalance

The intake of protein shakes and supplements to boost workout, should be lesser than the consumption of natural proteins such as those present in eggs, milk, bananas, etc. These artificial proteins cause imbalance in the body and are bad for usage in the long run.

8. Yawning

No one is really sure about why yawning is sometimes a regularity at the start of a workout since exercising actually awakens the body. But it could be because of no proper warm ups and heralding straight to the main workout. The body takes time to adjust to the sudden intake of more oxygen, faster rate of blood circulation, etc.

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