7 Unexpected Places From Where You Can Learn Fashion Lessons
5. Vintage
If you dig out old photos of your parents and grandparents you will surely have a visual idea about the fashion trends in the past and you can try out those styles by adapting them to the recent trends. Because fashion is cyclic, trends repeat with variations and modifications what we call- reinvention!
6. Old movies
The 50’s and 60’s are the redundant themes in fashion –but the cinema roll prints, lights, lip stick marks benches and models are innovative props that can go on your bags or even your clothes. They celebrate the fashion depicted in movies to set new trends and styles.
7. Classroom
Classroom and schools are not just about uniforms and disciplines. You can bring bow ties, socks and checked pinafores in fashion. Classroom symbolizes the growing up phase, experimentation of bold in juxtaposition to rules and authority. These concepts can be used and adapted to give a new direction to your sense of style and fashion.